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  • Writer's pictureCustoms Davao

BOC Davao reinforces character development during Values Transformation Workshop

April 25, 2022

Employees of the Bureau of Customs (BOC)-Port of Davao and its Sub-ports in Dadiangas, Parang, and Mati participated in the Values Transformation Workshop by the BOC’s Office of the Strategy Management (OSM) on April 18-19, 2022 at the Ritz Garden Oases, Davao City.

The said seminar focused on developing one’s holistic well-being by promoting work ethics values, faith, and mental and physical fitness through different lectures and activities.

Participated by 198 employees of the said Collection District, the program also aims to practice camaraderie in the organization and balancing life-work relationships through self-assessment and reflection activities led by dynamic resource speakers from the Performance Governance System (PGS), Pastor Maximo Maria Santos, Ms. Veneranda Grace Santos, and Retired General and Performance Governance Practitioner, Gen. Gerry Amante.

The knowledge gained from the seminar will be vital in fulfilling the mandates of BOC. Its personnel will remain strong to support the reforms and innovations brought by the PGS.


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